Informations sur l'album Cian of the Chariots de William H. Babcock

William H. Babcocka finalement rendu publique Jeudi 27 Mars 2025 son nouvel album, appelé Cian of the Chariots.
Voici la liste des 42 chansons qui composent l'album. Vous pouvez y cliquer dessus pour en voir la traduction et les paroles.
Voici quelques succès chantés par William H. Babcock. Entre parenthèses vous trouverez le nom de l'album:
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter X: A Visit to the Sword of Fire
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XL: How Cian Saved Arthur From Cerdic
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter VI: The Home of Aurelia
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXI: A Ride Through the Saxon-Wasted Land
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXVIII: The Night Battle of the Great Wood
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XIV: The Conflict at the Lake Village
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XVIII: The Mirthfulness of Guinevere
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXVI: The Fiery Trial of Cian
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter V: A Dip Into Old Rome
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XIII: Foreboding and Danger
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter II: With the Guard of the Gate
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter III: The Fight Before the Shrine
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXIII: The Ride to Isurium and a Wilder Ride Homeward
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XLI: All Well Ended
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter I: Cian to the Rescue
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XII: Arthur with Lancelot and Guinevere
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXV: How Arthur Dealt with the Heathen
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXIX: The Blowing of the Elfin Horn
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXVI: In the Forest of Celidon
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XX: In the Vales of Argoed
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXVII: Aurelia at Camelot
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XI: The Perplexity of Arthur and the Mission of Oisin
- Cian of the Chariots - XXV: Arthur in Council
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXII: Brought to the Light
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter IX: The Emperor and the Queen
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXI: The Token of Oisin and the March to London
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter VIII: London and London's Council
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXIV: The Mysteries of Mona
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XVII: The First Service of the Chariots
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XVI: An Interview with the Dead
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter IV: The Return to the Villa
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXIX: The Long Battle of Camelot
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXIV: From Loidis to Legiolum
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXVII: A Passage at Arms Between Lancelot and Vortimer
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter VII: Feast and Song
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XIX: Arthur at Legiolum
- Cian of the Chariots - Preface
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXX: The Death of an Army
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XV: London Before the Storm
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXIII: How Arthur and Cian Raised the Stone
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXII: Among the Cave-Dwellers of the Scaur
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXVIII: How Sanawg was the Summoner of Cian